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Access to the Library for external users
The library is a reference library and publications cannot be taken out. While it primarily serves the information needs of the institutional members, the library is open to researchers from all over the world who visit the Institute. External users may get access for a single request (no workplace), if the literature isn't available elsewhere. Please contact:
More and more libraries shift their journal subscriptions from print to e-only, leaving the shelf presenting new journal issues empty. With the absence of the printed issues, users stay away and the traditional service and popular meeting place becomes abandoned. JournalTouch is an approach to reinvigorate this space as a digital news shelf.

Using a touch screen, JournalTouch makes accessing the latest electronic journals engaging and intuitive. Users are able to catch up on current articles and send them to their own devices. JournalTouch is available for institute members only.
JournalTouch is an open source tool designed to be used and expanded by the interested library community.
Open Source Code in GitHub

JournalTouch was awarded the "Zukunftsgestalter in Bibliotheken 2015" prize.