Econ Job Market (EJM)

March 08, 2024

2 Postdoctoral Fellowships for up to 6 years
(Postdoctoral position)

The “Experimental Economics Group” (led by Prof. Matthias Sutter) and the “Behavioral Economics Group” (led by Dr. Sebastian O. Schneider) at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods in Bonn invite applications for 2 full-time Senior Research Fellowships (postdoctoral fellowships) for candidates who hold a PhD or are close to completing a PhD in economics or related fields.

The Experimental Economics Group was founded in 2017. It uses experiments (in the lab and recently mainly in the field) as well as applied-microeconomics methods to study a broad variety of topics, including, for example, the formation of economic preferences in childhood and adolescence, or behavioral interventions in households and firms—many of them in a development or education context. Please check the interests of our members on the following webpage:

The Behavioral Economics Group will start in September 2024 as a kind of spin-off of the Experimental Economics Group. As such, there are overlaps in terms of methods and topics. However, the Behavioral Economics Group will particularly focus on (individual or group) decision-making and decision theory including economic preferences. It will thereby concentrate on field contexts—either using field/lab-in-the-field experiments or publicly available (possibly unprocessed) data. For previous research, see the webpage of the group head at

About the positions

Candidates hold a PhD in economics or a related field or are about to complete one soon. Candidates with a strong interest in behavioral and experimental work are particularly encouraged to apply, but we are also very open to candidates with excellent skills in data analysis in general. For the position in the Behavioral Economics Group, an advanced and broad data science competence including the necessary programming skills (or the ability and will to acquire these) are a plus. The positions do not involve any teaching requirement. Postdoctoral fellows at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods are entitled to an annual individual research budget. All applications will be considered for both groups (unless a preference is specified by the candidate).

The Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods is an equal-opportunity employer. The Max Planck Society strives for diversity and gender equality. We welcome applications from all backgrounds. The Max Planck Society is also seeking to increase the number of employees with severe disabilities. Applications from such candidates will be given special consideration.


The positions are based on 3-year fixed-term contracts that can be renewed once by 3 years in the Experimental Economics Group or 2 years in the Behavioral Economics Group (implying that the maximum duration of the positions is 6 and 5 years, respectively). The starting date of the positions is expected to be in 2024, with details being negotiable. A subcontract for the period before the actual start date as a postdoc may be available for eligible candidates who have not yet completed their PhD.


Applications must be submitted by March 24, 2024 (23:59 UTC) using the EconJobMarket Platform:

The application package should include:

  • a CV with a list of publications/working papers
  • a cover letter (at most two pages)
  • a job market paper (published article or manuscript)
  • copies of degree certificates
  • 2 letters of reference

The interviews with the invited candidates will take place virtually from May 6 to 8, 2024. We then plan to invite the selected candidates to Bonn for job talks from June 3 to 6, 2024.

For further questions about the vacancies, please contact


Location of job: Bonn, Germany

Degree required: Doctorate

Job start date: 2024

Job duration: 3 years with renewal option for another 2/3 years (best estimate: 6 years)

Letters of reference required: 2


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