Matthias Sutter in an interview in the 3SAT program makro: "Frauen vor – gleiche Leistung, gleiches Geld“

The program explores the question of what actually stands in the way of professional equality between men and women. Because it turns out that there is a wage gap even when men and women have the same job.
Matthias Sutter provides insights into the current state of research on this topic: women tend to avoid competitive situations on the job. However, when it comes to higher salaries, accepting and performing in competitive situations is often crucial. The program also presents an experiment undertaken at the institute's laboratory and proving these findings.
The program is already available in advance in the 3sat Mediathek:
The broadcast date is 7 March, 22:25h.
A shorter version will be broadcast on Monday, 6 March, 19:25 in Wiso / ZDF. The video will be online from about 21:00:
Further broadcast dates:
7 March, 18:30h in 3sat, nano
7 March, ZDF Morgenmagazin, time still unknown
7 March, ZDF "Volle Kanne" around 10:00h, Matthias Sutter will also be in the studio