Media Coverage (Selection)


9 February 2025:

Guest article by Matthias Sutter in the Spiegel: “Wie die Wehrpflicht gegen Polarisierung helfen könnte” [“How compulsory military service could help combat polarisation”]

28 January 2025:

Commentary by Matthias Sutter in the Standard: “Macht Gehaltstransparenz glücklich?”, S. 23 [Does salary transparency make people happy?]



31 December 2024:

Matthias Sutter publishes guest article in the FAZ: “Politische Polarisierung: Warum es entscheidend ist, wer eine politische Maßnahme vorschlägt”, no. 304, p. 16 (fulltext only for subscribers)

23 December 2024:

Interview with Matthias Sutter on the finance platform “Optimismus ist ein selbstverstärkender Prozess - auch für Anleger"

21 December 2024:

Article in the FAZ, Beruf und Karriere, cites Matthias Sutter: “Wovon beruflicher Erfolg abhängt”, S. 33 (fulltext only for subscribers)

Interview with Matthias Sutter in Radio Vorarlberg, „Guten Morgen Vorarlberg“: „Gehaltsschere zwischen Männern und Frauen“.

20 December 2024:

Interview with Matthias Sutter in der ORF-SendungVorarlberg heute

6 December 2024:

Interview with Matthias Sutter in Tiroler Tageszeitung: “Warum es nicht nur an den Kindern liegt, dass Frauen weniger verdienen

2 September 2024:

The FAZ reports on a research project by Matthias Sutter: “Sind Frauen die besseren Chefs?” [Are women the better leaders?], no. 222, S. 16 (fulltext only for subscribers)

7 September 2024:

Matthias Sutter gave an interview on radiostation Deutschlandfunk Kultur: “Bei Hitze sind wir weniger risikobereit

2 August 2024:

Matthias Sutter is cited in ZEIT online: “Auto abmelden, Deutschlandticket geschenkt bekommen” [Deregister your car and get a free Germany ticket] (fulltext only for subscribers)

5 July 2024:

Article in the FAZ cites Matthias Sutter: “Scholz irritiert als Chefoptimist”

12 April 2024:

Süddeutsche Zeitung reports on a research project by Matthias Sutter: “Managementstile: Schluss mit dem Gebrüll” ["Management styles: stop the yelling"] (fulltext only for subscribers)

March 2024:

Tiroler Tageszeitung reports on an experiment: “Schweigen statt Mutmaßen spart bei Reparaturen Geld” [Remaining silent instead of guessing saves money on repairs] (fulltext only for subscribers)

February 2024:

Interview with Matthias Sutter in Harvard Business Manager: “Schweigen ist Gold”, 2/2024, S. 18-19

15 January 2024:

Interview with Matthias Sutter in manager magazin: “Kundendienst: Wer keine Ahnung hat zahlt mehr” (fulltext only for subscribers)


17 October 2023:

Interview with Matthias Sutter in Radio ORF Vorarlberg: “Ökonom Sutter zu KV-Verhandlungen

13 October 2023:

Interview in WDR 5 “Das Tagesgespräch” on the paradox of choice: “Die Qual der Wahl – Über das Entscheiden

9 June 2023:

Article about patience in connection with later career opportunities in the WELT: “Karriere-Chancen: Mit dieser Eigenschaft haben Kinder die besten Chancen auf Erfolg” [Career opportunities: With this ability, children have the best chance of success.] (fulltext only for subsribers)

22 May 2023:

Article on a research project by Matthias Sutter in the FAZ: “Gekündigt wird oft wegen fehlender Wertschätzung. Ob Mitarbeitergespräche helfen können? Laut Experimenten schon”, p. 16

8 May 2023:

Matthias Sutter is cited in an article published by WELT (print): “Bei Jugendlichen hapert es beim Finanzwissen”, p. 5

7 May 2023:

Matthias Sutter is cited in an article published by WELT online: “Handy, Aktien, Rente – So bringen Sie Ihrem Kind früh den Umgang mit Geld bei” (fulltext only for subsribers)

17 April 2023:

Article by Matthias Sutter in the FAZ: “Die Gefahr der Spirale erkennen”, S. 18

5 March 2023:

Matthias Sutter in an Interview with ORF Vorarlberg: “Experte fordert mehr soziale Treffsicherheit

23 February 2023:

Matthias Sutter was a guest in the ARTE broadcast: ”27 Das europäische Magazin: Sind unsere Politiker korrupt?”, 27 February, 04:00
French version of the broadcast:
The german version will be available online after the broadcast date.

16 February 2023:

Article in the FAZ cites Matthias Sutter: “Geschlechterdiskriminierung : Verhandlungsgeschick rechtfertigt nicht mehr Lohn” [“Gender discrimination : Negotiating skills do not justify more pay”]

2 January 2023:

Article in the FAZ on a research project on contaminated groundwater in India (S. Priyam, D. Salicath, M. Sutter): “Eine unsichtbare Gefahr”, [“An invisible danger”], S. 16. (fulltext only for subsribers)


25 December 2022:

Interview on ORF Vorarlberg: “Korruption beeinflusst das Verhalten von Kindern” [“Corruption influences the behavior of children”]

20. December 2022:

Article in the FAZ cites Matthias Sutter several times: “Warum schenken wir überhaupt?” [“Why do we give gifts at all?”], (fulltext only for subsribers)

19 December 2022:

Interview on ORF, Vorarlberg heute

19 December 2022:

Interview on ORF 2 Vorarlberg, 20:15-21:10h. Bundesland heute – das war 2022.

13 October 2022:

Interview in ZEIT on the gas price limit: "Das Preissignal ist dramatisch verwässert". ["The price signal has been dramatically diluted".] (fulltext only for subscribers)

9 September 2022:

Interview in MDR Kultur, program „MDR Kultur am Morgen“, Interview über Quotenregelungen und den CDU-Parteitag. [Interview on quota regulations and the CDU party conference]

September 2022:

Interview in Capital: Den Frust tolerieren. Der Verhaltensökonom Matthias Sutter erklärt, wie Anleger Geduld erlernen und warum das wichtig ist.” [“Tolerating the frustration. Behavioral economist Matthias Sutter explains how investors learn patience and why this is important.”] 09/2022, S. 104-105.

20 June 2022:

Article in the FAZ (print and online): “Schulnoten für den Pausensnack. Damit sich Kinder in der Schule gesund ernähren, reicht laut Forschern ein kleiner Kniff”, p. 16 (fulltext only for subscribers)

18 June 2022:

Article on time management in Kronenzeitung: “Höchste Zeit, Pläne zu schmieden”, p. 20

21/22 May 2022:

FAZ article on a study by Matthias Sutter et al.: “Der Sonntagsökonom: Der Feind im Büro. Vergiftete Stimmung ist in Unternehmen ein riesiges Problem. Das hilft dagegen.

(Sule Alan, Gozde Corekcioglu, Matthias Sutter: Improving Workplace Climate in Large Corporations: A Clustered Randomized Intervention, CESifo Working Paper Nr. 9304, September 2021)

Media coverage on this study:

Chowdhury, Shyamal; Sutter, Matthias; Zimmermann, Klaus F., Economic preferences across generations and family clusters: A large-scale experiment in a developing country
Journal of Political Economy, fortcoming

11 May 2022:

Article in the FAZ on Austrias Minister Martin Kocher also mentions Matthias Sutter: “Superminister für Wirtschaft” [“Super Minister for Economy”]

26 April 2022:

Der Standard publishes a video interview with Matthias Sutter: “Warum treffen Menschen irrationale Entscheidungen?” [“Why do people make irrational decisions?”]

23/24 April 2022:

Vorarlberger Nachrichten reports on the European Media Summit in Lech, which was also attended by Matthias Sutter : “Medien zwischen Fake und Fakten: Vertrauen schaffen durch Transparenz” ["Media Between Fake and Fact: Building Trust through Transparency"]

13 April 2022:

Interview with Matthias Sutter on SWR3 on the topic of “patience”.

8 April 2022:

Interview with Matthias Sutter in the Stuttgarter Zeitung, “So lernen Sie durchzuhalten” [“How to learn to persevere”] S. 8

4 April 2022:

Short interview with Matthias Sutter at Deutschlandfunk Nova about how to learn patience.

31 March 2022:

Matthias Sutter gives a lecture on the subject of patience at Deutschlandfunk Nova: "Wege zum Erfolg: Geduld, die lernbare Superpower"  ["Ways to success: patience, the learnable superpower".]

24 March 2022:

Article on Matthias Sutter's (et. al.) recent research is among the 10 most read texts on Bloomberg News: “They Failed a Trust Test, Then Chose Finance. Any Questions?”

18 February 2022:

Oldenburger Online Zeitung cites Matthias Sutter concerning home office: “Studie: Homeoffice kann Karriere schaden” [“Study: Home office can harm career”]

23 January 2022:

FAZ article mentions Matthias Sutter's research on patience: "Geduld macht reich. Selbstdisziplin führt zum Erfolg, sagen Ökonomen. Aber können wir unseren Charakter ändern?" ["Patience makes you rich. Self-discipline leads to success, say economists. But can we change our character?].


Media coverage on this study:
Terrier, C., Chen, D., Sutter, M. (2021), COVID-19 within families amplifies the prosociality gap between adolescents of high and low socioeconomic status. PNAS – Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(46): e2110891118.

10 November 2021:

Today, the dpa brings a news on the launch of Matthias Maurer's space mission to the ISS, which had to be postponed several times, in which Matthias Sutter is also quoted:

"Scientist Matthias Sutter advised Maurer's crew to focus on another activity in the meantime. "I'm sure this is not the first time all four of them have had to wait for something in their lives," said the behavioral scientist and book author ("The Discovery of Patience"). Each has a certain routine for dealing with delays, he said. "Much like ski racers at the start when there's an interruption. Some crawl into a corner, others chat with their service people until it continues," said the director at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Common Goods in Bonn."

12 October 2021:

Matthias Sutter has given several television interviews on the ongoing exploratory talks to form a government in Germany, including on WELT TV, Sat1, Pro7 and Kabel1.

3 October 2021:

FAZ article cites Matthias Sutter on incentives to vaccinate: "Wie Ungeimpfte noch vom Impfen überzeugt werden sollen" [How the unvaccinated are still to be convinced to get vaccinated"] (Full article only available for subscribers).

30 September 2021:

Interview with Matthias Sutter on Radio SR3 about the current exploratory talks of the parties and what game theory has to do with it: "Was rät die Spieltheorie?" ["What does game theory advise?"]

29 September 2021:

Interview with Matthias Sutter on Deutschlandfunk Kultur: "Wer pokert wie? Spieltheoretische Gedanken zu den anstehenden Sondierungen" ["Who plays poker how? Game-theoretical thoughts on the upcoming exploratory talks".]

28 September 2021:

Matthias Sutter talks about the parties' negotiating positions after the Bundestag elections in an interview for the FAZ: "Das bringt FDP und Grüne in eine großartige Lage." ["This puts FDP and Greens in a great position."], p. 22.

11 July 2021:

Julian Beyer interviews Matthias Sutter about his research on penalty shootouts on "Mare Radio" at Radio Bremen Zwei.

6 July 2021:

The Weserkurier reports on Matthias Sutter's research on penalty shootouts: "Die Münze macht den Unterschied" ["Coin toss makes the difference"]. (The article is behind a paywall.)

3 July 2021:

Interview with Matthias Sutter in the podcast "Die Profis" on radioeins rbb about the research on the role of the coin toss in penalty shootouts: "Münzwurf beeinflusst Elfmeterschießen" ["Coin toss influences penalty shootout"].

28 June 2021:

Article in the FAZ on a research project by Matthias Sutter and colleagues: "Die Siegformel für das Elfmeterschießen. Bislang galt als Zufall, wer den Fußball-Nervenkrimi gewinnt. Doch jetzt haben Forscher ein Muster erkannt.", ["The winning formula for the penalty shootout. Until now, it was considered a matter of chance who would win the soccer thriller. But now researchers have identified a pattern."], FAZ, 28 June 2021, p. 17.

26 May 2021:

Interview with Matthias Sutter on "Mehr Geduld, ausgewogenere Entscheidungen: Warum finanzielle Bildung so wichtig ist" ["More patience, more balanced decisions: Why financial education is so important"]

17 March 2021:

Interview with Matthias Sutter in the Badische Zeitung: "Ausharren in der Pandemie: "Unklarheit erschwert Geduld" ["Holding out in the pandemic: "Lack of clarity makes patience difficult"].

1 March 2021:

Matthias Sutter is quoted in an article in the FAZ, "Warum Impfstoffe horten viele Menschenleben kostet" ("Why hoarding vaccines costs many lives").

8 February 2021:

FAZ article on "Bargeld fürs Impfen?" [Money for vaccination?] brings longer quote by Matthias Sutter. (Full article only available for subscribers).

25 January 2021:

Matthias Sutter was interviewed in the ARD program "Live nach neun" on the topic of patience. You can watch the interview here.

12 January 2021:

Today, another article about Martin Kocher appeared, which, among other things, refers to the joint scientific work on soccer with Matthias Sutter. See Wiener Zeitung.

Further press coverage:

11 January 2021:

Matthias Sutter's longtime co-author in over 40 papers Martin Kocher has been appointed Labor Minister of the Austrian government. See report in ORF.

7 January 2021:

Matthias Sutter gave an interview on Deutschlandfunk Kultur on the topic: "Mit Selbstbeherrschung kommt man weiter" ["With self-control you get ahead"].

4 January 2021:

Matthias Sutter was a guest on hr2, 18:00-19:00 p.m.: The broadcast had the topic: "Lob der Geduld".


19 December 2020:

Matthias Sutter was a guest on Deutschlandfunk Kultur, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. The broadcast had the topic: „Was nehmen Sie mit aus diesem (Corona)-Jahr für 2021?“

17 November 2020:

Interview with Matthias Sutter on ZEITonline on patience in the Corona crisis: "Wenn ich heute dranbleibe, ist morgen der Erfolg größer". (only available for subscribers)

27 October 2020:

Matthias Sutter was a guest on radio station Bayern 1. Subject was "Geduld trainieren in der Corona-Krise" and also on radio station Bayern 2. Subject was again "Geduldig bleiben in der Corona-Krise".

6 October 2020:

Matthias Sutter was a guest in "Zwölfzweiundzwanzig – Entscheiderinnen und Experten im Gespräch" on rbb inforadio. Subject was "Geduld in der Krise".The interview can be heard in the podcast.

5 October 2020:

Interview in Südkurier: "Wie wir die Geduld in der Corona-Pandemie nicht verlieren".

2 October 2020:

Bloomberg newsletter comments on Trustworthiness in the Financial Industry by Andrej Gill, Matthias Heinz, Heiner Schumacher and Matthias Sutter.

3 September 2020:

Het Financieele Dagblad: "Banken trekken onbetrouwbare werknemers aan" (mentioning Matthias Sutter and CESifo)

29 August 2020:

Interview with Matthias Sutter on patience with regard to the Corona crisis in WELT online: „Irgendwann ist das Budget an Gehorsamkeit aufgebraucht“.

16 August 2020

Matthias Sutter gave an interview on patience with regard to the Corona crisis in Deutschlandfunk " Information und Musik".

29 July 2020:

Matthias Sutter was guest in the ORF broadcast "Tirol heute" talking about "„Betriebskündigungen und die Rolle von Fairness“.

14 July 2020:

Deutschlandfunk Kultur interviewed Matthias Sutter on 14 July at 19:05 on patience and financial literacy.

8 July 2020:

Interview with Matthias Sutter on ZDF online: "Fairness, der schlummernde Wirtschaftsfaktor".

8 June 2020:

"Und plötzlich sinkt der Wasserverbrauch. Auch Langduscher werden zu Sparern – durch Echtzeit-Feedback". Report on a research project of Matthias Sutter's research group. FAZ, no. 131, p. 16

13 May 2020:

Bavarian radio and TV (Bayerischer Rundfunk) presented a series of video talks about the Corona pandemic on its homepage, entitled "Was ich noch zu Corona sagen wollte". Matthias Sutter took part in that series by giving a brief talk about patience in times of Corona.

6 May 2020: 

Interview with Matthias Sutter on hr-iNFO radio on patience in times of Corona. Link to the hr-iNFO podcast (Interview starts at 14:00 min)

Play Recording of the interview.

(Copyright by hr-iNFO:


4 May 2020:

ORF 2 reports on Matthias Sutter's radio interview (see below) in "Vorarlberg heute".

4 May 2020:

Interview with Matthias Sutter on radio Vorarlberg: "Zweiter Lockdown brächte vielen die Pleite". 

28 April 2020:

Max Planck Forschung published a detailed coverage on Matthias Sutter's research and the findings of his research group "Experimental Economics": "Nur Geduld", no. 1/2020, pp. 66-70.

25 April 2020:

Interview with Matthias Sutter in Spiegel: "Müssen wir das Anstehen lernen, Herr Sutter?", no. 18, p. 54.

5 April 2020:

Interview with Matthias Sutter on Radio HR1, between 8 - 10 o'clock: "Die Stunde der Geduld".

27 March 2020:

Interview with Matthias Sutter on Deutschlandfunk Nova between 6 - 8 o'clock. Subject: "Geduld: Das kann man lernen". (Interview starts at 23:16 min) 

19 February 2020:

Article in Industrie Anzeiger: "Wissen allein genügt nicht mehr" mentions Mattias Sutter's work and book on the discovery of patience, 5/2020, pp. 22-23.

15 February 2020:

Interview with Matthias Sutter in ZEIT online: "Verkehrswende: An das Gewissen zu appellieren hat einen deutlichen Effekt. Wie bringt man Menschen dazu, umweltfreundliche Verkehrsmittel zu wählen? Der Ökonom Matthias Sutter sagt: Finanzielle Anreize können sogar das Gegenteil bewirken."

18 January 2020:



The General-Anzeiger Bonn reports on Matthias Sutter's talk about the discovery of patience at the research center caesar in Bonn during its event "caesarium": "Ein Plädoyer für mehr Ausdauer"


14 January 2020:

FAZ Article "Gesellschaft der Scham", also describes Matthias Sutter's experimental studies on our willingness to donate.


12 December 2019:

Interview with Matthias Sutter on the occasion of the "Academy of Behavioral Economics" at the Gottlieb Duttweiler Institute (GDI): "Matthias Sutter: Warum die «Hau-drauf»-Taktik Trumps hier nicht funktioniert"

18 November 2019:

Article about a research project of Matthias Sutter with 967 kindergarten children on cooperation, Tiroler Tageszeitung: "Neue Untersuchung zur Kindererziehung: Allein die Strafdrohung wirkt",

14 November 2019:

Interview with Matthias Sutter: "Warum wir teilen" on (Transkript als pdf)

30 September 2019:

Article about Matthias Sutter's book Die Entdeckung der Geduld – Ausdauer schlägt Talent, "Am Ball bleiben" in Industrieanzeiger 27.19, pp. 22-23

25 July 2019:

The Tiroler Tageszeitung reported on Matthias Sutter's talk on the importance of patience on the occasion of an event organized by Innsbruck law firm "Greiter, Kofler & Partner".

22 June 2019:

Radio ORF Vorarlberg: Andreas Feiertag interviewed Matthias Sutter

3 June 2019:

The Schweizer Tages-Anzeiger cited Matthias Sutter in an article about common transport policies and mobility behavior: "Verkehrspolitik, Experten fordern grundlegendes Umdenken".

2nd June:

"Der Handschlag von heute": Matthias Sutter über Transparenz, Bewertungssysteme und den Handschlag von heute, den es auch online gibt. shareMAG.

4 April 2019:

Matthias Sutter was a guest in "Vorarlberg Heute" on ORF2. He gave an interview (starts at 9:11'') on occasion of the 6. Vorarlberger Frühjahrsmesse. 

20 February 2019:

Matthias Sutter was a guest in "Guten Morgen Österreich" on ORF2. Talk zum Welttag der sozialen Gerechtigkeit.


31 December 2018:

In the article "Der Trend zur Selbstoptimierung geht zu weit" published by WELT online, Matthias Sutter names strategies how to easier achieve your goals. (link works for subscribers only)

26 November 2018:

Matthias Sutter published an article in the FAZ: "Sprache, Geduld und Wohlstand. Hat die Sprache Einfluss auf ökonomische Entscheidungen. Ein Experiment in Südtirol. FAZ, S. 16.

13 November 2018:

Interview with Matthias Sutter at the Vienna Behavioral Economics Network: "Verhaltensökonom: Erfolgreiches Teamwork geht vom Häuptling aus" ( ( pdf-Download)

9 November 2018:

Matthias Sutter gave an interview to "IHK Business Women": Gleichberechtigung in Wettbewerbssituationen. Ein Gespräch mit Professor Matthias Sutter

5 November 2018:

The Tiroler Tageszeitung reports on the priming experiment led by Matthias Sutter, Helena Fornwagner, Loukas Balafoutas: "Frauen oft zu schüchtern für Wettkampf im Job"
See also the interview with Helena Fornwagner: "Frauen im Job: 'Den Wille zur Macht aktivieren'"

10 August 2018:

Short interview with Matthias Sutter on radiostation SWR2 concerning the Ryanair strike. (no link available anymore)

25 June 2018:

The Kalaidos Fachhochschule Schweiz interviewed Matthias Sutter on: "Fehlalarm beim Marshmallow-Test?"

11 June 2018:

Matthias Sutter published an article in the FAZ titled: "Warum finanzielle Grundbildung wichtig ist. Sie hilft, teure Fehler bis hin zur Schuldenfalle zu vermeiden – die Schulen könnten helfen", FAZ, S. 16, 11. Juni 2018, Nr. 132

6 June 2018:

Matthias Sutter on the Marshmallow test in Die Welt: "Was der Marshmallow-Test misst. Selbstkontrolle ist es nur zum Teil, zeigt eine neue Studie. Sie offenbart aber auch noch etwas anderes." (link works for subscribers only)

30 May 2018:

On DLF (Deutschlandfunk) there was an interview with Mattias Sutter in "Forschung aktuell". He talked about a study: "Wenig aussagekräftig. Der PISA-Test taugt nicht als Leistungsindikator." (Link)

28 May 2018:

Matthias Sutter gave an interview to "Deutsches Institut für Altersvorsorge (DIA)" on: "Mit Finanzwissen gegen den inneren Schweinehund"

20 May 2018:

Die ZEIT online published an interview with Matthias Sutter:
" Grillen im Park: 'Auch Erwachsene lassen sich noch erziehen'. Pappteller, Bierdosen, Reste – am Wochenende werden Parks zu Müllhalden. Warum Dreck eher auf der Wiese als im Müll landet, erklärt der Verhaltensökonom Matthias Sutter."

May 2018
The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung published two articles on the work of Matthias Sutter.
  • 5th May 2018: "Warum Finanzwissen hilft und Trump gut verhandelt. Der Verhaltensökonom Matthias Sutter geht praktischen Fragen nach – und krempelt ein Max-Planck-Institut um."
  • 6th May 2018: "Alle Macht den Kunden. Jeder zweite Taxifahrer zockt ortsunkundige Fahrgäste ab. Es sei denn, die Kunden können im Internet Noten vergeben."
    (Due to copyright issues we cannot provide links.)

April 2018:

Matthias Sutter was a live guest on the TV broadcast „makro“ on 3sat, 13th April, 9 p.m., entitled: „Von der Utopie zur Realität: Wie Visionäre unsere Welt verändern (link is external)“ (From utopia to reality: How visionaries change our world).

3 February 2018:

Radio ORF V interviewed Matthias Sutter on: "Sinnkonzepte: Gerechtes Wirtschaften und die Sinnhaftigkeit ökonomischer Beziehungen"

20 January 2018:

Matthias Sutter held a lecture at the "25. Rheintaler Wirtschaftsforum".
Media coverage St. Galler Tagblatt.

10 January 2018:

Interview with Matthias Sutter: "Spieltheoretiker über Sondierungen: Keine Partei besitzt ein Drohpotenzial", Wirtschaftswoche online

4 January 2018:

Interview with Matthias Sutter: Rheintaler Wirtschaftsforum


29 December 2017:

Prof. Sutter's research is cited in the article "Von der Bedeutung des Wartens", Staatsanzeiger, p. 16

20 December 2017:

Interview with Matthias Sutter on radio station ÖR 1: "Freunde: Anker des Lebens".

14 December 2017:

Die "Wirtschaftswoche/Wiwo" published an article entitled "Unfaire Entlassungen. Der Zorn der Übriggebliebenen" citing Prof. Sutter’s research in the course.

12 December 2017:

Matthias Sutter took part in the "Caritasgespräche 2017". The Austrian TV (ORF2) reported in "Vorarlberg Heute".

December 2017:

Matthias Sutter held a keynote speech and took part in the economic discussion panel at the "11. Mediengipfel in Lech am Arlberg", (30.11–2.12.2017).
A video of the panel discussion can be found on Facebook.
Media representatives, politicians, entrepreneurs and economic experts discussed "Die neue Welt(un)ordnung - Auswege aus der Überforderung der Eliten" ["The New World (Dis)order - Taking the Strain off the Overburdened Elites"] during the 11th media summit. While this event had initially been conceived as an annual meeting of foreign correspondents working in Austria, it has now become an internationally renowned platform for European politics.

November 2017: Die ZEIT cites Prof. Sutter’s work

Matthias Sutter's research is mentioned in an article entitled "Wo der Hammer hängt", Die ZEIT, 30.11.2017, p. 25.

October 2017:

Interview on SRF Radio: "Nudging darf nie Zwang sein"

September 2017:

Deutschlandfunk: "Matthias Sutter versus Ralph Hertwig: Nudging: Darf der Staat uns erziehen?"

June 2017: Prof. Sutter was interviewed on Kalaidos Fachhochschule, Zürich

Business Psychology: "Über Geduld, Agilität und ein paar Datteln"

June 2017: Blog entry on Kalaidos Fachhochschule, Zürich

Business Psychology: "Ausdauer schlägt Talent"

February 2017: Report in The Economist

In an article entitled "Taxi drivers overcharge when passengers are on expenses", The Economist reported on Prof. Sutter’s Paper "Second-Degree Moral Hazard in a Real-World Credence Goods Market". 

February 2017: Blog Entry in the LSE Business Review

Prof. Loukas Balafoutas wrote on the LSE Blog about his joint paper with Prof. Sutter and Prof. Kerschbamer, which tested whether taxi drivers put passengers who are unfamiliar with an area at a disadvantage. 

January 2017: Interview in Trend

Prof. Sutter gave an interview on an enlightened public not appreciating prohibitions ("Ein aufgeklärtes Volk schätzt Verbote nicht") in the 4/2017 issue of the Austrian magazine Trend.


Wednesday, 7 December: Interview with Prof. Sutter on SWR 2

SWR 2 radio interviewed Prof. Sutter on the concept of nudging. The complete programme can be found here

Wednesday, 30 November: Report in the Salzburger Nachrichten

The Salzburger Nachrichten published a report about Prof. Sutter’s study on "Market design and moral behavior", entitled "Geldstrafen führen zu moralischem Verhalten".

Thursday, 24 November: Interview in Die Zeit

Die Zeit interviewed Prof. Sutter ("Nicht immer gleich das Handtuch werfen"). 

Friday, 21 October: Report in the Pforzheimer Zeitung

The Pforzheimer Zeitung reported on Prof. Sutter’s lecture at the Studium generale ("Vom Einfluss der Geduld"). 

Tuesday, 18 October: Interview in the Pforzheimer Zeitung

Pforzheimer Zeitung published an interview with Prof. Sutter on patience ("Nicht jedes Ziel ist sofort erreichbar"). 

Thursday, 15 September: Die Zeit cites Prof. Sutter’s work

In the article "Eine Geschichte über Menschen, die es trotzdem versuchen", Die Zeit also mentions publications by Prof. Sutter. 

Saturday, 3 September: FAZ Ranking

On Saturday, 3 September 2016, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung ( FAZ) published its FAZ-Ranking ("Deutschlands einflussreichste Ökonomen"). Prof. Sutter is placed 22nd. The best economist from Cologne is Prof. Ockenfels, in 9th place.

Monday, 4 July: Report in the TAZ

The TAZ cites Prof. Sutter’s research on penalty shoot-outs. The article can be found here

Saturday, 11 June 2016: Report in the Stuttgarter Zeitung

On 11 June 2016, there was a report in the Stuttgarter Zeitung, entitled "Dann hast du in der Not", in which Prof. Sutter’s research is mentioned. 

Sunday, 22 Mai 2016: Beat the Prof Quiz in Die Zeit

Test your knowledge about Prof. Sutter’s research on patience here

Saturday, 14 Mai 2016: Radio Feature on SWR 2

Interview with Prof. Sutter on sharing ("Der teilende Mensch"). The contribution can be listened to following this link. (The programme was repeated on 17 July 2016 on WDR 5.)

Saturday, 2 April 2016: Interview in the Kronen-Zeitung

An Interview with Matthias Sutter on saving ("Sparen ist auch Erziehungssache") was published in the Kronen-Zeitung on 2 April 2016. 

Tuesday, 15 March 2016: Interview in Die Welt

Prof. Sutter explains why the AfD was able to get so many people to go out and vote. The complete interview can be accessed here

Monday, 25 January 2016: Guest Commentary in the FAZ

The ability to be patient is an important factor when it comes to the success of our children at school and in their lives. But can patience be promoted specifically? Perhaps even in kindergarten? Read the complete article here


Wednesday, 30 December 2015: Interview in Die Zeit
On 30 December 2015, Die Zeit published an interview with Prof. Sutter ("Reiche wollen nicht, dass andere viel ärmer sind").
The complete interview can be accessed here.  

Wednesday, 9. December 2015: Interview with Der Standard
Prof. Sutter told the Austrian paper Der Standard about different perceptions of fairness in Western culture versus other cultures. "Children from Western countries were more often inclined not to begrudge another child more than they themselves had got. That was more rare in the case of children from non-Western countries", says the economist Sutter. 
The complete interview can be read here.  

Wednesday, 4 November 2015: Report in The Washington Post
The Washington Post reported on Prof. Sutter’s paper on competition between the sexes and on women’s quotas. Prof. Sutter and his co-authors examined competitive behavior between boys and girls at Tyrolean schools and found out that implementing women’s quotas led to more girls taking part in the competition. 
The complete article can be read here

Thursday, 19 October 2015: FAZ reports on Prof. Sutter’s research results
The FAZ published an article, entitled "Mäuse, Mord und Märkte", in its issue of 19 October 2015, discussing the Mice and Markets experiment by Falk and Szech and citing Prof. Sutter’s research in the course. The discussion paper "Market Design and Moral Behavior" (Kirchler, Huber, Stefan & Sutter) researches the effects of different interventions on moral behavior.

Thursday, 3 September 2015: Handelsblatt Ranking of Research Performance
The Handelsblatt published its current ranking of research performance by researchers in and from German-speaking areas. In the category "Best Research Performance" over the last five years, six economists from Cologne were placed in the top 100. The total number of researchers was 3600. Patrick Schmitz is in fourth place, Matthias Sutter in sixth, Axel Ockenfels is 35th, Felix Bierbrauer 38th, Carlos Alós-Ferrer is 52nd, and Oliver Gürtler 94th. The complete ranking can be found here.

Sunday, 6 September 2015: FAZ Economist Ranking
A ranking of Germany’s most influential economists, published by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung on 6 September 2015, lists three economists from the University of Cologne: Prof. Axel Ockenfels in 12th place, Prof. Matthias Sutter in 22nd place, and Prof. Achim Wambach in 39th place. A link to the complete ranking can be found here.

Saturday, 11 July 2015: Interview with the Austrian Daily Die Presse
Prof. Sutter spoke to the journalist Matthias Auer of the Austrian daily Die Presse about the concept of nudging. The interview was placed online on that day [please click here] and was published in print on the following day.

Monday, 6 July 2015: Interview with
Prof. Sutter was interviewed by Dominik Reinle on the crisis and referendum in Greece. The interview can be found on the WDR homepage [here].

Tuesday, 2 June 2015: Interview with U1
Prof. Sutter was interviewed by the Tyrolean radio station U1 on the subject of "credence goods".

Thursday, 21 May 2015: Interview with Radio Bremen
Prof. Sutter was interviewed by Radio Bremen Vier on the subject of patience. 

Monday, 27 April 2015: Article in the Tages-Anzeiger (Zurich)
Timo Stukenberg spoke to several scientists, including Prof. Sutter, about the "image of dialects" in individual countries. The interview was published on the websites SPIEGEL online and Tages-Anzeiger.

Monday, 13 April 2015: Article in the Austrian Daily Der Standard
Prof. Sutter was interviewed by Der Standard. The article, entitled "Frauen im Handel: Kassierin ja, Chefin nein?", was published in the Austrian daily in April [read more here].

Saturday, 11 April 2015: Interview on WDR 5 on Game Theory
Prof. Sutter was interviewed on WDR 5. In the programme "Profit", he spoke about game theory. The interview can be heard here (minute 15:30 - 19:28). 

Thursday, 09 April 2015: Interview with ZEIT Campus Magazine.
Silke Weber spoke to Prof. Sutter on "Insurance and Health Apps" ("Versicherungen und Gesundheits-Apps"). The interview can be found in issue no. 3 (May/June) of ZEIT Campus.

Thursday, 5 March 2015: Radio Interview with
Prof. Sutter gave the radio station an interview about women’s quotas. [Click here for interview]

Sunday, 22 February 2015: Interview for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung
Prof. Sutter gave journalist Dennis Kremer of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung an interview about everyday fairness, among other topics. The article was published in issue 8 on 22 February 2015. [Click here for interview]  

Saturday, 24 January 2015: Interview for the Weekend Magazine of Rhein Main Presse
Prof. Sutter gave an interview for Nicole Hauger’s column in the paper: "Sein oder nicht Design – HABEN-WOLLEN Nur Geduld! Wenn’s mal etwas Besonderes sein soll, muss man als Konsument warten können". The article was published in the weekend edition of Rhein Main Presse

Monday, 13 January 2015: Interview with the Hessische Niedersächsische Allgemeine
Prof. Sutter gave an interview on the impact of wealth on character. [read more]

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